19th October 2022

ECL Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

On Wednesday, 19th October 2022, ECL made a cash presentation to the Breast Cancer Society of Ghana (BSoG), in support of the organisation’s contribution towards the global breast cancer awareness campaign.

The company’s donation was received by the President, Treasurer, and council members of the BSoG. They were very excited and stated that this was the first major donation they had received since this year’s campaign was launched.

The cash presentation of GHS 12,300 was aimed at sponsoring the breast screening exercise of the society’s campaign, scheduled to be performed across 10 different screening stations this year. As usual, these screening activities are free and meant to encourage women to get checked before it may be too late.

At ECL, our theme for this year’s campaign is ‘Early detection is at your fingertips,’ and this partnership with the BSoG amplifies our collective voice to help save women and reduce as much as possible the occurrence of breast cancer in our communities.

This was the ECL team’s response to the question of their motivation for carrying out this activity.

ECL is an IT Professional Services company with a Pan-African presence in Ghana and Liberia. They provide relevant IT solutions in hybrid cloud infrastructure, business process automation, backup and recovery, and cybersecurity, with 24/7 fanatical support, to organizations who want to be up-to-date with the ever-changing technological trends.